Sunday, January 31, 2010
1 week nvr blog le. Blog collecting abit of dust ^^
First I want to blog about ungracious singaporeans. Especially old folks.
Today went out with my family eat lunch at 201 there. Ok so we're seated at a table eating. Then one old man came to take the next closest table to ours. That table got one plate of unfinished bee hoon from the previous patrons. Know how the old man cleared his table? He took the unfinished bee hoon and placed it on our table! When he putting it at our table he still stare at me. Wah! I feel like scolding him la. But my parents tell me dun go antagonize him cause he old alr. I Bo pian sit there just LLST.
But heng not all old ppl ungracious ^^ Later on evening time go my ah ma's house. Long time nvr visit alr. Then most of my aunts also want gathering today.
After eating dinner me and Lin wan go downstairs walk walk. If not stay up there I feel I grow old faster LOLs X) But my two cousins saw then wan come along. In the end all they want is ppl accompany them go playground X.x so ok lor Lin and I become bodyguard/cousin/playmate all at once.

From left: 4 , 8 , 13

Say cheese to the cam nian hong!!!

Poor shi hui. Always appear as a motion blur lols! Speed too fast alr hahas

Now I know how it's like being a father muahahaha. I take it today is a training course for the future ^^
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8:45 PM
Monday, January 25, 2010
It's Monday again.... Y oh why does the weekend end so quickly?! Sheesh haven't had a proper break. Study + doing proj = dead horse lols!
Today after cktcs quiz, went to eat at short circuit then got one cute cat prowling around our table.

So cute wors the little feline..... Reminds me of a v gorgeous and beautiful lion mehehehe!!!
Then slack for awhile until 4pm for netfund lab test. I completely forgot about it until I wanted to go to lab at 3 then rmbed I'm second shift >.< omg... But heng I rmb abit here and there from previous lab session. Finished first but nvr complete the bonus qns :(( dunno how to do wors..... If not full mark + bonus. Wasted!!!!!!!
Hope sch will be better tmw lols!
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4:55 PM
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Its a week already! And there is nothing much to post....I try to update once every week if not my blog will collect dust. Hmmm lets see...what to post abt...Ah Shanghai Intern.Wed my MP group signed up for Product Design for next sem. My group consist of 3 person only. Yang , Asyraf and Yours truly. Asyraf was a last min decision. Then on Thurs Yang called to say he want to try sign up for the OSIP to shanghai. Although it would mean we have to pang seh Asyraf. Anyway we just try to apply for it. If its really approved then...ah....i have start learning Chinese accent. BUT i highly doubt we can get it. LOLS Sent Email for fun.
OK i think that's it for now...this week was very boring in school but luckily got lion keep me company spiritually all day ^^
8:50 PM
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Sundays are for family outings. And today is no exception XD
Went to east coast park today to kick back and relax. So i chose to Cycle. Soon enough all also wan cycle/rollerblade. So went to a bike rental and rented the following:
1 - 2 Seater Bicycle (Parents)
1 - RollerBlade (Chu Lin)
1 - Sports BIke (Moi)
Took a few pics here and there, omg these days i think i becoming zhi lian wors. Or got tourist mindset LOL!
East Coast the fishing pier there
The Rollerblader LOL!
Smiling widely, who knew that 15min later it turns to a sob :P
^^V for cycling is good
The Fall. LOL! Poor Lin, got some more pic dun let me post only. Fall down need glam de....
Sis rode pillion on the 2 seater , mum took my bike, I cant skate the small rollerskates made to run/walk back to the rental shack :(
Run and cheese LOL
Act Cute ^^
Then too :D Bleh!!!!
Dun say my blog dead hor! Jan alot post le......hahas
Till next time!
~WH~ signing off
9:03 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Went out Elfi yesterday to watch Daybreakers. A Vampire film. And no, the vampire doesn't glitter in the sunlight and contains more blood than Twilight. Overall I give it a... 6.5 / 10 it's Horror, Gore , Fantasy.
Yea so I went to RP to wait for him yst then went to marina gv to catch it. On the way there, saw a police demonstration.
Took some quick pics :

Riot Police

SOC - Special Operations Command

Police demonstrating how to take down an armed suspect. They used CQC
After the movie, we went to walk ard the Esplanade lol. Took some pics again. Gosh I felt like a tourist lol.

I pretended to be Japanese tourist lol and Elfi was my tourguide :))
Went home and became..... Dr Kang for my first patient :)) A divine creature hahahas
Until next time
WH signing off
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2:48 PM
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
School is never great. And today, it wasn't much of a difference. LOLs. If i didnt had the SIP/MP briefing, i might have gone home at 12. Or maybe not even going to school. I wonder y i did.... LOLS
Anyway nothing much to post today, except two agendas. First is the SIP/MP. Starting from next sem, on the 19th of April, my FYP will commence. Dress code : Working Attire or something similar. Means, no more Bermudas and 3/4 pants :( And worse, gotta clock in and out at 8:30am and 6PM respectively. Its exactly like working, except in this case, you don't get paid anything.
Second thing i Must post about is a roadkill i saw today. Technically i was a witness to a *murder on the streets today. But the victim is of no importance. In fact, most people will be in joy to hear that. Yes, thats right. Cockroach. That damned insect LOL. Saw it crawling near the bus stop seat. When i approached near it, it scurried away towards the opposite bus-stop.It managed to cross 75% thru, until it was squashed by an oncoming car. Eeew. But ah well....this world has one less cockroach to deal with.
One dead insect, and one hiong semester not gonna be the same now.
Toodle-loo! ~WH~ signing off
6:40 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010
Went out whole day with my family today. Hey, it's a Sunday. Sundays are for family outings :)
First things first, went to dads office to do revision. As my dad lappy crashed, he needed mine to do his work.
Then went to the pinnacle to see a paranormic view of the city. Can't believe it's actually a HDB that is 50 story high.

See from the roof garden at 50th floor

Cheese. UFO shaped seat

I got the whole world in my hands. Hahaha

Was not raining. Was uber hot!!!

Lin trying act model sia..... :)

Seat is actually hot ok. I'm saying cheese with a burning back

Strong wind lol. Lin u naughty girl, tou tou take my pic.
Then after that went to vivo for early dinner at the soup restaurant. Lovely :P
And at rooftop saw this sight:

A band marching lol.
Gotta sleep for sch tmw. 10am class. Dratz......... Sian!!!!!
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12:25 AM
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Went to Rp yesterday to see their open house and meet elfi. And omg la, RP is so nice! It's more like a hub than a school. The facilities are great and everything. It puts TP to shame lol. When me and bk went there, we were country mice going to a city lol.
Then today went to Nyp too. Not bad the sch... At least they have escalators. TP have stairs. Lols... We Wanted to meet up with Cyndi but as fate would have it, totally missed each other. Ah well... Other time lols...
After nyp me and Yang went to ion orchard to look for my iPhone case. Cannot find the one u wanted. Only found it at bugis junction. Yay lols!
After buying , accompanied yang to drink at coffeebean.To my dismay when I came home, found my lappy missing. After much investigation, found out that my parents took my lappy to my dads office to do work, as his was spoilt. :( so now I'm left w/o a lappy till 11pm :(
Gonna find some stuff to do.
WH signing off
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8:05 PM
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Ouhkay!!!! Photos are up are the Primary School Gathering (6 person only..yaya LOL)
2 January 2010
Haha lemme do a photo introduction :)
From Left to Right : Diane , Darlene, Mahmud, Wengweng(LOL) , Gemel , Pei Ming
Behind is Popeyes hahahaha took pics at a very random place :D
Recognize the background? LOL Century square. Thats right. Last level. Random place to take pics :D
Can you believe me and Gem blocked a dustbin in the background? hahaha
9:27 PM
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
After sch i went to Dad's office cause his lappy suddenly got prob. The Blue Screen Of Death. LOL. Dunno wad is wrong with the com, try to fix but cannot. really blue screen of death. Even after system restore can give me window recovery error. Sua LOL. Heng his boss went overseas today so whole office to us two :D
Was bored in office while waiting for dad to come back from lunch. Cyndi say got ghost behind me wor :( evil*
3:33 PM
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Was tired yesterday so I blogging now.....
Yst, went back to sch and the moment I place a foot into TP I already feel sian. I'm forever in holiday mood.
Midway during lecture I got a text from Elfi. Asked me if wanted to watch the fourth kind.
So..... Movie review time : 2.5/5 stars. I think it fails as a movie with too much talking and speculation. But passes as a good documentary lol . In the end it's still subjective to what you believe. Oh ps the movie was abt Alien Abduction based on a true story.
Reached home ard 10. And slept at 4am :D
I'm writing this on the bus. Ppl might think I'm siao, one sms msg machiam essay :)
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9:17 AM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Saw this on a website today. Was hilarious so i decided to post it here. Its really funny LOL
Ok my blog has been revived i'll try updating once in a while. I'll start by posting everyday until i succumbed to laziness. Ok...agenda for today.......Im gonna say tht im addicted to Yiruma!. Man ...nvr been so addicted to Piano pieces before. Must really salute that genius.......
Argh! back to sch tmw! hate it! why Mon - Fri sch system ever existed is beyond me. Its making cry of boredom. Got presentation due this tue and my teammate all MIA. I think gonna get 0 for this one......
Well....great start to a new year.
WH signing off
11:22 PM
Testing testing. I'm blogging from my iPhone. Dunno if can or not :) Im writing on the bus lol. NR7
Ok first up. On the 2 Jan went for 6B primary school reunion after 8 years!!!! Woo!!!! Alot ppl change sia :) hung out with Diane , Darlene , Pei Ming, Gemel and Mahmud. The rest couldn't come :(
We went to watch Sherlock Holmes and chatted at Coffee Bean to catch up :D not enuf for a gap of 8 years! So we having another one lol! Planning.....
Later on Gemel and me went to Clark Quey to pub with his camp buddies Met Kelvin, James, Julian , Doug and Tamao. Turns our Julian is the son of the CEO of Singtel. Wow! Talk abt connections lol! Then Tamao is from Japan! Kewl!!! Heng she said my Japanese was ok :)
Drank a pint and a half of Golden Ale from Brewrecks. Quite nice actually lol!!! Now abit giddy.... Cause later went nearby to drink shot of tequila. Killer lol!

My pint of Golden Ale lol. Ps finish le then rmb take pic >.<

Tamao trying out a huuge cup of smthing lol! Dun noe wad she ordered
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1:30 AM
Friday, January 1, 2010
Its the dead of the night, the wind occasionally picked up, rustling trees here and there. Nearby, dogs were panting after a long run, Owls hooting, kids playing around making noises that exuberates youthfulness.
A figure appeared from somewhere in the shadows and approached a downed silhouette. The silhouette was on the brink of death. As its life fades, he saw the approaching figure and his eyes widen in recognition before slowly closing......into nothingness.........
The Figure tilted his head as if curious and stood there, head bowed in deep thinking.
Finally, the shadow took out a laptop from his bag and pressed the big 'ON' button. The screen flickered and shone bright white in the darkness. Owls hooted in indignant and rats scurried away.
The shadow type something in the search bar and pressed enter. slowly stirred back to life, slowly but surely, eyes flickering in recognition that its Master commands it to come back to life.....NOW.
Chapter 1 - The Revived Blog
LOL!!!!! Can write a suspense story book alr ^^
I decided to revive this dead blog back from the deep trenches of the internet to aid me in .....storytelling. ROFL. Ok, iwantmysleep is revived for now but i dunno when he'll die again LOL!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 2 - The Blog Speaks (Wintry December)
Ok! Quite a few thing to post here tonight. (Although some quite late alr LOL! So past tense)
First up, on 5th Dec twas my Birthday. Went out With Elfi , Jolynn and later on, Clement. Watched.....New Moon. When we met Clement after the movie, Elfi was shocked! hahaha Clement was double in size when last saw him.
Spoils of that day :
1) Wallet From Clement
2) Eclipse from Elfi (Havent read yet as book still with him)
3) Windbreaker from Jolynn and Michelle
Thank you guys! Although now too late to say :P
Next, on the 12th of December went with Clement to his Church Event at a Bukit Timah Terrace House. OMG!!! So nice the hse. Wish i could stay there :D
On the 19th Went out with Elfi for Shafeeqah's Birthday and Avatar. Event was held at Ritz Carlton Hotel. OMG!!! 5 star hotel :D
On the 23th , Went to Fox and bought a pink pullover with Mickey Mouse imprint on it. Later went to find Michelle to get present. All this for Joy! LOL! Its her birthday, so being a delivery boy should not matter for my Sec sch good fren :D
24th, hmmm watched Avatar 3D with Yang.
27th December , went out with Wen Qiang. Cyndi , Cylvi , Hui Xin and Mei Xian. Played pool for 2 hours before watching Sherlock Holmes XD Then gift exchange. Noel all over again :D
Spoils of the day:
1) Kat Mug from Mei Xian (vvveerrryy cute mug :D)
2) Choco and sweets from Cylvi and Cyndi (So thoughtful :D )
31th December, with Wen Qiang we wanted to go to Vivo City. Reach there see the crowd I kena turned off. Machiam ants crawling all over the place. Literally. So we decided to go to Khatib, Yishun there for SparkleOn. Celebrated till 12:30 am and glad to know i start new year off with a laggy iPhone LOL. Somehow or another we met up with Cyndi and Cylvi and took a cab home. Apparently they both went there too LOL.
Today , 1st Jan. Went out shopping to get shoes. Managed to get a Converse shoe. Ah well better than nothing.

Ritz Carlton 20th floor

Being really random

Mei Xian's gift

Cute right? Lols

New pair of Converse

New year celebration 2010
My fingers aching now alr LOL!!! type alot le. So ......
WH signing off. Till tmw
8:34 PM